“ I have known Milyn since I was a child of about 12, I always competed in endurance races with my family and our horses, and it was here where we met.
I will never forget the first time Milyn communicated with one of my horses; coming from a family of vets, we were all very sceptical of this kind of thing, believing science to be the only answer.
However, the horse she first communicated with was called Victor. He told her things that there was no other way she could have known unless they had come from him, things that made me cry as well as laugh out loud.
Many of my family members and I have taken countless animals to Milyn for communication and physiotherapy over the years.
Her ability to communicate with and sensitivity to animals never ceases to amaze me . I can recommend her services to absolutely anyone.”
Dr Lesleigh Rous
Cape Companions Veterinary Clinic – Dr Lesleigh Rous