Intuitive Healing
Trust and Believe
Faith over Fear
What is Intuitive Healing?
Intuitive healing aims to align the balance and energy flow in the patient’s system to reach harmony. It addresses any disturbances in the flow of energy, whether in the body, mind, or soul. Healing may be performed hands-on or remotely, as energy is ultimately a dance of the body’s electromagnetics.
Our minds chatter is often so loud that it drowns out the knowledge we hold within ourselves. Healing happens from the heart, where one’s intuition is heard or perceived, together with your gut, aka the solar plexus. It should be recognised that the logical mind and intellect are limited by their linear focus; in contrast, intuition is multi-dimensional. The information one receives from your intuition, the voice inside you, is partly the basis of the healing that Milyn practices.
All our thoughts, feelings and intentions have physical energy, and these energies have frequencies.
Milyn believes that one’s intention and complete trust in the capabilities of the universe are the cornerstones of healing.
“I have learnt that I cannot heal an injury. I can change the environment around it using skilled techniques to ensure that the defect has the space and support it needs to heal itself. I am not a healer. Only God can heal. I am yet a facilitator of healing and aim to teach you the same.” Willie Fourie
Who or what is the source of healing energy?
The Universe/Source/Spirit/ God is the natural healer, and the facilitator’s job is to stand back, acting only as a vessel, a conduit, so that healing may occur.
According to Su Mason: “ The healing involves the transfer of energy; in other words, it is not from the healer him or herself, but the healer links with ‘Universal’ or Divine energy to channel healing for the mind, body and spirit.”
Through the healing you experience and the clarity you may find within, a healer will guide you by relying solely on their intuition.
The healers cannot offer you the answers you seek to your problems; however, they can hold space for you while you find solutions.
“ My sessions are God-driven and lead, but irrespective of who your Source is, the universe guides, and my belief will not affect your healing experience but rather guide my ability.
Every day, I have the blessing of being a healing facilitator; I grow closer to God and am in awe of His infinite power. In helping others, my faith keeps getting stronger, and the more my faith gets stronger, the more I can help others. I believe that our intuition is the voice of God whispering the answers of the world through our souls. It is up to us whether we listen and develop this ability.
God guides me daily with these words: Trust and Believe. Faith over Fear.” Milyn
What are the Effects of a Healing Session?
Listed below are the effects experienced by many of Milyn’s patients after their sessions:
- A reduction in levels of pain
- A shift in the area of pain
- A lightening in your whole body and demeanour
- Relief from stress and anxiety
- Increased levels of energy
- Increased awareness of your connection with the universe
- A more positive outlook on life
- The sensation of being emotionally stronger and the ability to cope more psychologically
- A reduction in body stiffness and resultant freedom of movement
- More zest for life
- Increased levels of patience
Some of the above will occur for patients after one session, but some may need a series of sessions to experience the effects. Milyn uses her intuition to guide her in what is best for the patient, human or animal and together with the noticeable changes, she will advise you on the number of sessions you require.
Remember that no specific outcome is promised to you in a healing session because the healer acts purely as a channel. The lotus flower rises from the mud without stains, symbolising purity, rebirth and strength.
“This is my prayer for my patients, to leave negativity behind, to grow and rise in strength and purity as if reborn in a new awakening.” Milyn
What will you Experience During a Healing Session?
Sensations typically come and go in waves through the body as the energy works towards alignment.
This is nothing to fear; instead, one should feel blessed that an affective transference is occurring.
Some patients will experience no sensations.
This does not mean that alignment is not happening.
The effect of the healing will still be noted in time after the session, whether mild or more pronounced.
Here are some of the sensations you or your animals may experience:
- Relaxation
- Tingling or pins and needles
- Numbness
- Warmth
- Involuntary jerking movements
- Increased feeling of anxiety or fear, shortly afterwards accompanied by a release
- Increase of pain followed by the dissipation of pain
- Nausea
- Tummy grumbling
- Flatulence
- Sleepiness
Some people have a higher level of body awareness and will experience heightened sensations. Milyn wishes for all of us to awaken within ourselves the ability to feel what our body is experiencing loud and clear, and this entails having a strong awareness of the body. Below is a link to a free body awareness exercise that Milyn has created. She strongly recommends incorporating her guided meditation daily to increase your body awareness.
Exercises will typically be included as a daily recommendation, like specific meditations. Still, much of the advice Milyn gives is small changes that can be made as part of your everyday living. She will refer you to her YouTube videos or some recommended reading, often her own blogs, which can be done in your own time, at your own pace.
Sam’s Healing Story
“Milyn was working with my other dog Lienka when Mr Sam invited himself onto her lap and demanded that he, too, required healing.
Milyn complied, and the two had a connection like I had not seen before.
He responded so well to all she was guided to do with him and showed us clearly what he enjoyed and didn’t need.
Sam is a soul who deserves attention in return for his big heart.
Because Lienka was in so much pain (but camera shy), our focus was on her.
I didn’t even think that Sam would benefit because he had been hopping lame for so long with that right hip of his.
He gets his supplements, but more than that, there was not much else we could do.
Until through Milyn, he was blessed with healing.
Sam’s lameness disappeared for about 6 weeks before he started showing any signs of mild discomfort again.”
What is the Mechanism and Evidence Behind Intuitive Healing?
Milyn mentions some of the research she has investigated below but clearly mentions, that it of no consequence to her. Some of the research indicates that quantum physics as a study has found reliable research supporting the reality of healing and distance healing. There are new theories in physics which may attribute healing to an aspect of energy that animates all matter. Our thoughts and feelings also have an electromagnetic consequence, and that energy can be perceived if one is open to the reception of it properly.
“The fundamental, underlying philosophy of spiritual healing centres on the notion of the connectedness of all at an ‘energetic’ level, which is now supported by quantum physics. It is considered that healing, through the input of thought at an energetic level, can influence the harmony of the mind, body, and spirit.” Jack Angelo
“Electromagnetic experiments show extraordinarily large low-frequency magnetic fields measured from the hands of healers which are not derived from healers’ internal body currents alone. They are low frequencies, in the same range as used in some electrotherapy to aid tissue healing.” Su Mason has these findings well referenced. She explains that: “Electro-encephalograms have demonstrated increased alpha brain waves in the healer, and during the healing session, it has been found that the patient’s brain waves change to synchronise with that of the healer.”
Milyn feels she needs no justification from science. The results she experiences with her patients are evidential. To Milyn, intention, intuition, trust, faith, and belief are the cornerstones of healing. For Milyn, Intuitive Healing is based on unconditional love for all beings, getting in touch with your heart to hear your intuition, and then using that ability to promote healing through being an observer.
“Final and complete healing will come from within, from the soul itself, which by His beneficence radiates harmony throughout the personality when allowed to do so.”
Dr Edward Bach
How are Connection Consultations different to Healing Sessions?
Healing sessions are different to the connection consultations that Milyn does in a few regards. Milyn prefers to know as little as needed about her patient in her consultations. In contrast, in a healing session, Milyn likes to do a 30-minute pre-healing interview with her human patients before connecting for healing. This interview aims to ascertain precisely where she should set her intention and be guiding energy towards. However, note again, that where the healing occurs is not Milyn’s choice as she is the conduit only.
Animal healing sessions can only be performed once Milyn has done an actual connection consultation and built a relationship with your animal before doing a healing session.
For the full breakdown of the various consultations, click below.
How can Healing Occur Through a Photo at a Distance?
“Many studies have shown EEG interconnectivity between two individuals at a distance. Whatever the healer is doing seems to be transmitted to the patient. The Distance Intentional Connection Experiment using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) seems to support the notion of distance healing.” Su Mason
Electromagnetism is a branch of Physics that deals with electromagnetic forces between electrically charged particles. A photo has electromagnetic frequencies, and these consequent vibrations enable Milyn to use telepathic electromagnetic forces to read and sense the frequencies of the patients from the image. Because healing is an energetic occurrence, it can take place regardless of the physical proximity of the sender and receiver. Milyn reports that she prefers to do a session remotely, away from disturbances and distractions. Just her, the patient and the Healer settled comfortably in her place of safety surrounded by her own animals.
Afrikana’s Healing Journey
“During the year 2019 our beloved dog, Afrikana, had some sort of spinal injury. He was paralyzed in the lower part of his body. He could not walk and had no control over his bodily functions.
We took him to a Vet, but she indicated that there is minimal hope for recovery. I refused to accept the detrimental outcome and Milyn indicated that she would take care of our little dog. He stayed with her for almost a month and Milyn did physio and mostly used her alternative approach to nurse Afrikana back to health.
His bladder function returned within a week of treatment. He was placed on a low dose of cortisone but it did not have a major effect until used in conjunction with therapy.
Had it not been for Milyn our little dog would not be running around on the farm.”
Noe-Noe Sieberhagen
Next Steps
Consultation Booking
Healing Sessions are available worldwide. If you are interested in working with Milyn,
a. Book your consultation here or send a client equiry mail here or WhatsApp.
b. An information package and contract is emailed to you.
c. Once the signed contract and proof of payment is returned, bookings are confirmed.
d. Bookings are made via WhatsApp.
Note that sessions are predominantly in the mornings, and must be paid in advance to secure a booking.
Information Required
Healing sessions for animals require a connection session as a prerequisite.
Healing sessions for people include a 30 minute interview at no charge to ensure both parties have a good understanding of the difficulties at hand.
When payment is made you will be advised via WhatsApp on available treatment times. Once your appointment is confirmed you will receive a booking confirmation email with your video link for feedback and more information on how to prepare you for your journey of awareness awakening.
The Session
You will undergo a free prehealing session interview.
Note that for animals it is a prerequisit to do a connection session before healing can occur at standard fees. Your connection session oftern serves as your first healing session.
On the agreed date and time, Milyn will connect to the patient and commence the healing session.
She will inform you via WhatsApp when she begins and ends.
After the session, you and Milyn will connect via Google Meets video call for a detailed feedback session.
Your feedback session may include physical, emotional, and spiritual advice regarding your animal or yourself.
Milyn always maintains a strict patient confidentiality ethic.
Post Consultation
You will receive a post-consultation email explaining where to go from here.
If applicable, your email will be filled with links to Milyn’s YouTube videos, free attachments of work needed to further improve your connection with your animal or self-care advise for the people clients, including strengthening and suppling exercises and downloadable recommended tutorials to assist with your needs.
This information and the amount depend on Milyn’s findings and your or your animal’s needs.
Follow-up appointment is scheduled.
Milyn will continue to support her clients on their journies where she can.
Follow-Up sessions are essential to keep track of all progress and further develop the growth already achieved or rule out any potential confusion and struggles remaining. Follow-up sessions are dependant on Milyn’s initial findings. These are recommended as her intuition guides her and with complete honesty.
Click below to see the Special Offers available if booked in advance.
My promise to you and/or your animal:
To help and support you and/or your animal.
To bridge the gap between owner and animal, thereby facilitating healing and growth.
That information provided will remain completely confidential, as with all patient-client ethics.
Not to judge any situation or information but act as a neutral translator alone.
To work on my wellbeing and growth to be balanced to achieve harmony in self.
To inform you if I am not in the optimal emotional or physical state to do a consultation.
Not to make any diagnostics but only work with the patient’s signs and symptoms experienced.
Not to be hesitant to refer to other medical professionals.
That no information about sessions will be relayed to a third party without your permission.
To honour those who come to me for guidance, humans and animals,
and give you, my best.
Various Healing Packages Available
See the special offers for multiple sessions.
All species welcome.